Community Care Access Centres

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APACTS is comprised of representatives from the five professional associations whose members provide community-based long term care services related to Community Care Access Centres (CCACs). These services include Dietetics, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Social Work and Speech-Language Pathology. The five associations represent over 13,000 members across Ontario. Delegates from each of the associations work together in this Alliance, which advocates for the timely provision of quality community services by the therapy professionals we represent.

APACTS links with the Ontario Association of Community Care Access Centres (OACCAC), the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, and stakeholders groups within the community-based health care sector.

Our Purpose

To advance the roles of the therapy services related to the five professional association represented by APACTS whose members provide services through Community Care Access Centres (CCACs). To collaboratively represent the mutual interests of the therapy services with the OACCAC, the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC) and other stakeholders identified by APACTS.

APACTS is working to maintain access for clients to high quality therapy services in the community, home, school and workplaces in Ontario.

The logos that appear below link directly to the individual association web sites:

When it comes to health, it is never too late to start treatment. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 1 in 5 U.S. adults aged 65 and over reports having at least one chronic disease, such as arthritis, heart disease, or stroke. With age, the body becomes less resilient to infection, which can lead to more chronic conditions. That’s why it’s so important for seniors to get regular physical activity.

What Are The Benefits Of Physiotherapy In Retirement Living Facilities?

Finding a physiotherapy clinic in Ottawa can be difficult, but there are a few ways to start. You can search for clinics online or through patient referral services. You can also ask family, friends, and work colleagues for advice. If you don't find a clinic that meets your needs through these methods, you can try contacting with healthcare providers directly. Physiotherapy Ottawa is a specialized field of medicine dealing with the rehabilitation and health of the human body. It is a medical profession that uses physical techniques and treatments to help people with pain, illness, and disability..Physiotherapy Ottawa is a specialized field of medicine dealing with the rehabilitation and health of the human body. It is a medical profession that uses physical techniques and treatments to help people with pain, illness, and disability. Physiotherapy Ottawa can help people with a wide range of conditions, including: back pain, neck pain, arthritis, sports injuries, and childbirth injuries.


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